Pumpkin Festival – 28th October

The Village Hall’s first pumpkin festival is fast approaching!  It will be held on Saturday 28th October, from 11am to 4pm.  You can enter a home grown  pumpkin, carve one, or make an artificial one.  Please click on the poster below for more details.  You can download an entry form from the post above this one.

Co-op Community Fund Update

The first funding period for the local Community Fund has finished, and has raised the sum of £857.65 of for the Village Hall!  Many thanks to everyone who has supported us.  And the good news is that you can continue to do so, as we have been selected for the next round of the fund, which runs until 7th October.  We hope that you will support us again.

If you are not familiar with the Community Fund, our local branch will donate 1% of everything you spend on selected Co-op branded products and services to a nominated charity in the Community.  You need to be a Co-op member to do so – sign up here.  You can then nominate the Village Hall as your chosen charity.  If you are a Co-op member but don’t have internet access, you can nominate us by phoning 0800 023 4708.  Thanks!

Five Year Plan – Survey Results

Our survey of Village Hall users and other members of the community, in which we asked what the priorities should be for our five year plan – is now complete.  Many thanks to everyone who took part – we had over 200 responses!  You can read a summary of the results here.

The most popular suggestion was to improve the physical access to the Hall, followed by installing a hearing loop, improving the storage of tables, providing access to WiFi and installing a baby changing unit.  We are now using the output of the survey to inform our five year plan, and will provide a further update on this soon.  Improving the physical access to the Hall will be a major project and will therefore take some time, but we hope to make progress on some of the other priorities very quickly.  Watch this space for more information, and thanks for your feedback so far.

Support the Village Hall at the Co-op

There is still time for you to support the Village Hall by shopping at our local Co-op.  We are one of the causes being supported by our local branch, who will donate 1% of everything you spend on selected Co-op branded products and services to a nominated charity in the Community.  You need to be a Co-op member to do so – sign up here.  You can then nominate the Village Hall as your chosen charity.  If you are a Co-op member but don’t have internet access, you can nominate us by phoning 0800 023 4708.  Thanks!

Five Year Plan – Have Your Say!

We are currently working on our plan to maintain and improve the Village Hall over the next five years.  As part of this process, we are keen to find out what you – Village Hall users and members of the wider community – see as the highest priorities for us to address.  We have produced a short questionnaire to gather some information about this, which can be accessed here.  It only takes a couple of minutes to complete, so please let us have your views!  Thanks.

Five Year Plan

The Village Hall Management Committee is currently in the process of producing a plan for maintaining and improving the Hall over the next five years.  We have lots of ideas, and will share our plan when it’s ready.  However, we also want to know what you, the users of the Hall and residents of Alvechurch would like to see provided or improved at the Hall.  Please use the form in our Contact section to make any suggestions you may have.  We can’t promise to implement everything, but any and all suggestions are welcome.

To help us fund the improvements that we have planned, Hall rental charges will be increasing slightly.  For regular users, rental charges will increase by £1.50 per session for the main Hall and £1 per session for the Small Meeting (Committee) room.  These increases will apply from 1 April 2017, and will also be applied in April 2018.  They follow a three-year period in which Hall rental charges have not increased at all.  For one-off users, charges will be increased to £25 per hour for the main Hall and £10 per hour for the Small Meeting (Committee) Room.

Defibrillator Training

A chance to learn how to use the defibrillator equipment at the Village Hall.

Committee Room

Wednesday 30th November at 7.15pm

Contact Norma Divine (Hall Secretary) to book your place on 0121 445 5739